Intermittent Surface Oxygenation Results in Similar Mitochondrial Protection and Maintenance of Aerobic Metabolism as Compared to Continuous Oxygenation during Kidney HMP

A study by Darius et al. evaluated the metabolic effect of a short interruption of surface oxygenation compared to continuous surface and membrane oxygenation in a pig kidney model. They looked at ATP levels as well as the pO2 measures, renal flow and resistance, and metabolic perfusate and tissue profiles.

They found that:

  • Direct bubble oxygenation of the perfusion fluid by minimum 15 min was as efficient as membrane oxygenation
  • All groups had similar renal flow
  • All groups had similar perfusate profiles at 4h 30m and end of HMP
  • At the end of HMP, the continuous oxygenated group had higher FMN values
  • Histological tissue evaluation showed no significant difference between all groups

Overall, intermittent surface oxygenation might be an effective oxygenation strategy to recondition mitochondria during HMP as compared with membrane-oxygenation. This method has the potential to reduce the ecological and economic impact of active oxygenation by eliminating the need for a membrane oxygenator and oxygen source during transport.

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Tagged In:

ATP, HMP, Kidney, Oxygen

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